For more information about submission guidelines and author copyright, please see the publisher’s website.
Before submission please ensure that you have prepared your material according to the journal guidelines and that you have current and accurate email addresses for each author. Manuscripts should be submitted to the following website: ScholarOne Manuscripts
Gender & History welcomes unsolicited submissions. We review manuscripts anonymously: that is, neither authors nor expert readers know one another’s identities. Do not include your name, address and contact information on the main manuscript.
You may follow your own country’s conventions of spelling, punctuation, etc.; simply be consistent. If your manuscript is accepted, we will work with you to put it in the journal’s house style. For citations, follow whatever reference system is customary in the Humanities in your country, with superscript numbers in the text and end-notes starting on a separate page after the text. When citing your own work, make sure that you do not identify yourself as the author of the manuscript under review; give your full name instead, just as you would for another author. Double space the notes as well as the text.
Articles published in Gender & History average 9,000 words. This is somewhat shorter than the US standard, but longer than the European one.
Manuscripts do not need to be submitted in English. The journal has a limited budget for translation of works written in other languages, and will consider publishing English versions of works previously published in other languages. Please send an abstract in English along with the manuscript.
The editors try to complete the review of submissions within three months.
Edited By: Katharine Rollwagen, Cheryl Krasnick Warsh, Cathryn Spence, Whitney Wood
Contact our editors at the North American Office’s Email: