Students enrolled in Bachelor of Arts degree programs at Vancouver Island University may elect to graduate with a Major or a Minor in History. Please consult the relevant pages of the Vancouver Island University Calendar for information on program requirements.
General Note
The History department offers undergraduate courses at two levels: Foundational/Introductory courses, indicated by courses with "100" and "200" prefixes (e.g. History 111 and History 202); and upper division or advanced thematic courses, with "300" and "400" prefixes (e.g. History 361 and History 476).
Courses numbered in the 300s and the 400s may be taken for either third or fourth year credit. The prerequisites for 3rd and 4th year History courses are six (6) credits of 100 or 200-level History courses, or permission of instructor. The exception to this rule is History 485 (Issues in the Social History of Nursing), which is tailored to some extent for students enrolled in VIU's Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.
Students are advised to complete introductory "100" and "200" level courses before enrolling in upper level courses in the same area of study. A student who has completed an introductory course such as History 112 (Canada Since Confederation), will likely be more comfortable and more successful in an advanced level course such as History 341 (Work and Workers in Canada Since World War I).