One of the roles of English is to use literature to provide an understanding and even a radical reimagining of our social structures. We aim to empower students to think critically so that they can responsibly and meaningfully engage in civic life. At times, this can lead to sensitive and difficult conversations in the classroom. A healthy English program’s curriculum reflects the diasporic, racial, gender, orientation, and ability diversity of the communities to which it is responsible. As a department, we support faculty members and students who pursue antiracist, feminist, disability, and 2SLGBTQ+ research, teaching, and learning. In working to create safer environments for teachers and students, we must practice anti-racism (with attention to the particularities of racisms: e.g., anti-Blackness, anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, etc.). We also practice anti-ableism, anti-ageism, and respect the gender identities and sexual orientations of those with whom we share the classroom. We encourage the mindful and respectful discussions that come from the constant questioning of how literatures, and whose literatures, impact our world.