Students interested in Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) credit in English 115, 125, or 204 should obtain a PLA Registration form from Student Services or from the Chair of the English Department. To qualify, students must have a degree from an accredited institution or work experience in a relevant profession. Candidates may need to provide a portfolio of writing.
The Chair will assess eligibility and appoint a Department member to develop assignments and exams, and administer and evaluate the course work, giving it a grade based on the Department’s established standards.
It is extremely important that students applying for PLA be aware that the course will be identified as such on their transcript and that some universities, as well as the BC College of Teachers, may not recognize credits obtained in this manner.
Once the Chair accepts the PLA candidate, the Dean emails Records to open a new PLA course/instructor section. The Dean completes and signs the PLA Registration form and gives it to the PLA candidate. The Candidate takes the form to Registration and is enrolled in the course/instructor section. The Candidate takes confirmation of enrolment to the Cashier and pays the PLA assessment fee.
Once the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is completed, the Department completes a Summary of Results form and submits it to Student Records.
See Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)—Descriptions of Papers and Exams for PLA requirements for English 115, 125, and 204.