Reading in Tamagawa Garden

Grading Guidelines

English Department Guidelines for Grading

NOTE: Instructors may adjust grading guidelines when required for specific assignments.

“A” Paper—The “A” paper is considered excellent.

  • The overarching argument is sophisticated and interesting.
  • The writer’s voice and original thinking predominate.
  • All claims are developed and supported with effective examples and explanations.
  • The paper is well organized through unified and coherent paragraphs.
  • The writer successfully uses critical strategies consistent with the course level.
  • Research is appropriate, effective, and correctly cited.
  • Mechanics (diction, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, documentation, and formatting) are accurate.

 “B” Paper—The “B” paper is considered good.

  • The paper meets the general standards of the “A” paper but may be less sophisticated in its argument or structure; for example, evidence may be less effective, paragraph coherence may occasionally lapse, critical strategies may be applied inconsistently, research and/or its application may be less relevant or refined.
  • Mechanical errors occur more often than in the “A” paper but are not frequent.

 “C” Paper—The “C” paper is considered adequate

  • The argument lacks sophistication and/or originality; it may be unconvincing.
  • The paper is weakened by ineffective evidence and/or explanations.
  • Organization may be unclear; paragraphs may lack unity and coherence.
  • Research is insufficient and/or critical strategies are ineffectively applied.
  • Diction may be characterized by wordiness, clichés, or inaccuracies. 
  • Mechanical errors are varied and frequent.

 “D” Paper—The “D” paper is considered barely adequate.

  • The paper gives the impression of haste and/or carelessness.
  • The writer demonstrates an inability to develop a coherent argument and/or to apply effective critical strategies.
  • Secondary sources are poorly chosen, inadequate, and/or not fully documented.
  • Mechanical errors are extensive, with multiple sentences difficult to understand.

 “F” Paper—The “F” paper is considered inadequate.

  • One or more critical errors render the paper unacceptable for a passing grade.Such errors may include the writer’s inability to
    • adhere to the primary instructions,
    • meet the research requirements,
    • meet the length requirements,
    • meet general literacy standards.
  • As per VIU Policy 96.01, academic misconduct may result in a failing grade.