Reading in Tamagawa Garden

First-Year Courses

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NumberCourse Descriptions
ENGL 115University Writing and Research
ENGL 117

University Writing and Research: Indigenous Focus

ENGL 125Literature and Culture
ENGL 135Literature and Criticism
FILM 101Introduction to Film
INTR 100Popular Culture and University Writing (6 credits: includes ENGL 115)


NumberCourse Descriptions
ENGL 115University Writing & Research
ENGL 125Literature and Culture
ENGL 127

Literature and Culture: Indigenous Focus

ENGL 135Literature and Criticism

Course Descriptions

ENGL 115: University Writing and Research

Multiple sections
An introduction to critical thinking and reading, academic writing, and research skills, consistent with the conditions and expectations students encounter as readers and writers at university.

All sections include an in-class essay, a research essay, and a final examination.

There are multiple sections of this course. See the Course Timetable for descriptions of individual sections.

ENGL 117: University Writing and Research: Indigenous Focus

An introduction to critical thinking and reading, academic writing, and research skills, consistent with the conditions and expectations students encounter as readers and writers at university. Curriculum will focus on Indigenous issues and writers. Note: Students are not permitted to register in more than one first-year English course concurrently. Credit will only be granted for one of ENGL 115 or ENGL 117.

ENGL 125: Literature and Culture

Multiple sections
An introduction to the concept of literary genres that explores the relationship between literature and its historical and cultural contexts. This course emphasizes reading, research, and writing.

All sections include an in-class essay, a research essay, and a final examination.

There are multiple sections of this course. See the Course Timetable for descriptions of individual sections.

ENGL 127: Literature and Culture: Indigenous Focus

An introduction to the concept of literary genres that explores the relation between literature and its historical and cultural contexts with a focus on Indigenous literatures. This course emphasizes reading, research, and writing. Note: Students are not permitted to register in more than one first-year English course concurrently. Credit will only be granted for one of ENGL 125 or ENGL 127.

ENGL 135: Literature and Criticism

Multiple sections

An introduction to different ways of approaching and analyzing literary works to develop an awareness of the relation between literature and criticism. This course emphasizes reading, research, and writing.

Note that all sections include an in-class essay, a research essay, and a final examination.

There are multiple sections of this course. See the Course Timetable for descriptions of individual sections.

FILM 101: Introduction to Film Studies (3 Credits)

A general introduction to the study of film as an art form and medium of cultural communication. Feature films are emphasized, with attention also to documentaries and experimental films. Focus areas will range from film history, criticism, theory, and a basic understanding of formal qualities including cinematography, editing, mise-en-scène, and sound. 

INTR 100 (6 credits): Popular Culture and University Writing (6 Credits)

A combination of ENGL 115 and MEDI 115 in an integrated learning environment. Students will explore the core concepts of popular culture and university writing and research. Readings, assignments, and assessment will be shared in an interdisciplinary environment. Note: students will receive course exemption for ENGL 115 and MEDI 115 upon completion.


September 2009 marked the implementation of our new First-Year Program. English 111, 112, and 116 have been discontinued, and English 115 has a new title and description. Two new courses –- English 125 and English 135 — have been added. (Descriptions of both the discontinued and the new courses can be found in the Calendar).

For the Degree English Requirement, you may take any two of English 115, 125, or 135, in any order.

If you have already taken English 111, 112, or 116, and you still require a second 3-credit English course, you may take either English 115English 125, or English 135 to fulfill the Degree English Requirement. However, be sure to check with your Program to confirm the required combination of English courses.

English Majors and Minors

The first-year requirements for English Majors and Minors likewise changes to:

Any two of English 115, 125, or 135, in any order.
See the complete description of requirements for Majors and Minors.

View Course Timetable