Cindy Stelmackowich
The VIEW Gallery was thrilled to welcome Ottawa based sculptor, Cindy Stelmackowich to present new works in her exhibition Trenched. The work shown explore notions of care and violence as each relates to the history of medical advancement and war.

Escape Artists
After a year of taking studio art classes online, with all the challenges those unique circumstances brought, the eleven students in this year’s graduating student exhibition Escape Artists, hit the ground running last September - challenging themselves in the final year of their VIU undergraduate degree, both creatively and academically to produce the diverse collection of artworks we see in the Gallery today.

Figuratively Speaking: A Journey Through Movement
The artists chosen for this exhibition all have an amazing ability to portray movement on a number of levels. Through a combination of both two and three dimensional works, they have creatively used colour, texture, line and form to bring what could be considered static entities, to life. The interpretation of their movement is up to you.

Jim Holyoak: Aroborescence
Jim Holyoak is first and foremost a drawer. His tool kit includes brushes and pens of all shapes and sizes, whisk brooms - large and small, straws and bubble making gear. Chinese and India ink are his preferred media, and the forest and its inhabitants (real and imagined), are his preferred subjects. Drawing inspiration equally from faerie tales and folk lore, alongside research from the most current forest science of biologists like Suzanne Simard and E. O. Wilson, Holyoak casts a mesmerizing spell in this all-immersive drawing installation.

A Package Design Exhibit Where Less is More
The challenge was to find an over-packaged product and redesign the package to be more ecologically responsible. Using less became an overarching theme for students and the concept manifests itself through ways of using less material, less wrapping, less shelf space and, in some cases, fewer words.