Colloquium Series - Fall 2012

Previous Presentations

Fall 2012


SEPTEMBER 21, 2012

Henderson Scores for Canada!
Memories and Meanings of the 1972 Canada – Soviet Union Summit Series

Dr Timothy Lewis, History Department

The 1972 Summit Series is widely acknowledged as both the most significant event in Canadian Sports History and a landmark cultural moment. Most Canadians alive at the time retain fond memories of Paul Henderson’s series-winning goal late in game eight. This session seeks to explain why the 1972 series, set in the context of the Cold War, resonates so deeply with Canadians and provides analysis of the on going efforts to preserve the memories and meanings of ’72 for future generations.


OCTOBER 19, 2012

Conjuring Creativity and Performance

Robin Davies, Media Studies Department, and Marian van der Zon, Media Studies & Women’s Studies Departments

Participants include Dr Marshall Soules and students Darrell Bell, Denisa Krausova, Zoe Lauckner, Brent Pretty, and Niel Scobie.

How do we allow media technologies to shape our creative practice?
This presentation explores the desire for storytelling and theatrical performance through the use of lo-fi and hi-fi technologies. Building on traditional spoken-voice delivery, it explores graffiti, audio art, wireless video techniques, live web coding, and crowd sourcing over social networks.


NOVEMBER 16, 2012

Voices Through Time: Letters of The Great War

Dr Stephen Davies, History Department and Director, Canadian Letters and Images Project

Dearest Father ... With love from your son ... My darling wife ... Your loving husband.
As windows to the thoughts and feelings of their authors, letters add an intimate dimension to our understanding of lives in wartime. Letters are unique and poignant reminders that war is about relationships and loved ones and that the battlefront and home front are intricately connected.



For further information contact:
Katharine Rollwagen at