Semester grades must be entered into VIU's Student Record System within 5 days of the last day of exams, using the Grade Entry screen on the web and standard Grade values. If a grade has not been submitted by an instructor within this time frame, a grade of NGS (No Grade Submitted), will be entered by Registration.
Web entry:
SELECT: STUDENT REGISTRATION SERVICES. A log in screen will appear, sign in with your USERNAME and PASSWORD SELECT OK
Under the Grade Entry heading, SELECT: ENTER GRADES
From the Enter Grades page, Place the cursor in the Course ID box and enter the Course ID (i.e. ENGL 111) and the Section number (i.e. F0501) of the course you would like to enter the grades for.
Click on the gray drop down arrow under New Grade and select assigned grade from the drop down menu adjacent to the students' name.
Proceed to enter all grades for the section.
Important Note: If a student has not attended your class, and their name appears on the grade entry screen, they should be assigned an "F" grade. These students have not formally withdrawn from your course. Do not leave their grade field blank; use the "F" grade.
Important Note: If a class list does not show up, check the end date of the course. If it is more than 30 days past, online grade entry is not available. Please submit the grades to the Records Office.
Once you have entered grades for all students, select the gray Submit these grades box.
The system will then generate a list of student names and grades. Please review the grades that you have entered. If you have entered these grades correctly you are done. If you find a grade entry error, you can easily make an adjustment by selecting "Return to Grade Entry Main Page" at the bottom of the page and re-entering the course name and section number. The system will display the current grades assigned and give you the option to enter a new grade. Once you have entered the correct grade, scroll down to the bottom and click on the gray Submit these grades box. The system will generate a revised list showing the old grade and the new grade.
If you wish to enter grades for another course or section, select "Return to Grade Entry Main Page" and enter the new course name and section number. Instructors using this online Grade Entry procedure do not need to submit paper grade sheets to the Records Office.
VIU's Gradebook program is an excellent tool to help you keep track of course assignments and students marks and posting the final grades to SRS.
If you assign an Incomplete (INC) grade you must fill out an Incomplete Grade Form and submit it to the Records Office. Forms are available in the Records Office, or from your area Secretary.
If you have any further questions please contact:
Helene Viau
Records Clerk
Phone: local 2757